Prof. Klaus Siebenhaar


Dr.phil., Professor em. for Culture and Media Management and Professor for German Literature at Freie Universität Berlin; Distinguished Professor for Arts Management at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) Beijing.


After his PhD and beside his academic career as Assistant he worked as Dramaturg, Curator, Editor and Journalist for cultural institutions and publishing houses like Academy of Fine Arts Berlin, State Theatre of Kassel, Ullstein. In 1991 he became Professor and founder of the Institute of Culture and Media Management. From 1990 till 2001 Siebenhaar was member of the Directory of the Deutsches Theater and from 2001-2006 Director of Marketing and Development of the Jewish Museum Berlin.


In cooperation with Prof. Fan Di’an (NAMOC) and Prof.Yu Ding (CAFA), Prof. Siebenhaar established 2009 the Cultural Management Program KUMA for young leaders. Several big exhibitions like Chinese Public Art after the Documenta 13 in 2012 (together with Fan Di’an and Yu Ding), Käthe Kollwitz at the NAMOC 2015 or The Myth of Documenta at the CAFA Art Museum 2017 underline the deep connection to China.


Prof. Siebenhaar published several books and essays on Arts Management, Cultural Studies, Theatre, Literature and Media.