When Art meets Tech:
2023 HONOR Talents Exhibition
Date / 11th April 2023
Venue / W Hotel Guangzhou
Organizers / Honor, InterCulture, Intellisia Institute
The great scientist Stephen Hawking once said "Without art, there is no science".
And according to the artist Andy Warhol, "Good business is the best art".
What is the relationship between art and science, and how can business and culture support each other?
These have been topics explored at many InterCulture events.
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On April 11th, Honor Talents Exhibition 2023, jointly organised by Honor, InterCulture and Intellisia Institute, opened at W Hotel Guangzhou. This event where art meets technology was in line with the theme of "Beauty to New Life" and invited Mr. Martin Xu, Senior Vice President of Honor, Dr. Yuan Yumin, Professor of China Academy of Fine Arts and Dr. Jasmin Gong, co-founder of InterCulture to deliver speeches.
Over the past few years, companies both in Europe and China have increasingly invested in environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. Empowering cultural diversity and cultural exchange is also part of ESG. At the same time, art and culture can deliver higher brand values for companies.
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In the context of the resurgence of international cultural exchange in the post-pandemic era, it is encouraging to see companies like Honor undertaking and supporting cultural projects, and that the Honor Talents program, which devotes significant resources to connecting and inspiring young designers and university students from around the world, is an initiative that contributes to community building, cross-cultural understanding and youth empowerment, and is an expression of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
This year, the competition expresses a tribute to culture and the discovery of the diverse beauty of nature through the two design themes of cultural prosperity and the birth of all things, and also reflects the Honor’s sense of mission of cultural heritage and social responsibility for sustainable development, making art the highest interpretation of technology.
Art also needs to be concerned about the environment. We have observed that many art events are not sufficiently environmentally friendly, with a large amount of non-biodegradable and non-reusable materials being discarded at the end of the exhibition. Therefore, we have kept the exhibition stands from this Honor Art Exhibition and reused them for the exhibition at Lanpu Park on 21 April, hoping to promote the concept of environmental protection at art events.
Lanpu Park Exhibition, Guangzhou
Honor Art Exhibition, Guangzhou
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"Art pursues the highest beauty, and technology creates the future", InterCulture, together with Intellisia Institute and Honor Group, organized this event to provide a stage for global creative talents to showcase their works and support the incubation of original creation, starting a dialogue around art design, mobile experience design and interactive design.
InterCulture hopes to do more interesting and meaningful things with interesting people. See you next year at HONOR Talents Exhibition 2024.