Petra was born in West Africa, raised in Germany, lived in China, and currently resides in Dubai, UAE. She has always lived an international, diverse, multi-cultural life.

With over a decade of corporate experience in HR management and her expertise as an Emotional Intelligence Trainer, Facilitator and Leadership Coach, Petra founded her company, Unbox Leadership Consulting, in 2022.

"Unbox Leadership" is a coaching consulting concept that empowers organisations and business leaders who aim to maximise their leadership impact among their teams by unboxing leadership mindsets and behaviours.

Her vision is to help transform the workplace into a place of value creation, compassion, unity and growth with a self-leadership approach.

Petra holds a med-technical degree in Radiology, a management degree in Human Resources & Change Management, a Professional Coaching degree and a Genos Emotional Intelligence Trainer certification following the ICF code of conduct.

She is a member of the German Association of Human Resources Management (BPM), a volunteer member of the Guangzhou Coaching Community and a mentor for the World Academy for the Future of Women (WAFW).

Petra is bilingual in English and German and has a basic knowledge of Mandarin.